Monday, November 26, 2007

A minor landmark

I have my post-op appointment with the surgeon on Friday morning. Today I had a bit of a landmark and drove myself to the imaging center to get the xrays I need for that appointment. That went well enough. I had weaned myself off the narcotic pain pills - at least for a while - so that I would be able to drive responsibly. Lucky for me John had traded cars with me so I have one with an automatic transmission that I can use. The stick shift might have been a problem. I have my films and I'm ready to go. Trying to figure out if I needed referral forms in order to get these things done was no small chore.

I just got back a moment ago and I am amazed at how tired I am. It wasn't a particularly draining endeavor but it really did wear me out. I am not enjoying this part of this experience. I have occasionally felt inept in this life but I've never felt weak. I'm probably supposed to be learning something from this. I'll work on that. It doesn't really hurt, though, just a bit of aching and tightness. That has to be good.

So, it's nap time for me for a while and then I have things to keep me busy through the end of the day.

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