Thursday, November 8, 2007

A burst of creativity

My brother John and nephew Patrick were by this evening. They had an attack of creativity and ended up making this little guy from an in-bed urinal,a rubber glove and some other found items. His name is Yuri. Cool ,huh?. I have great family.


Anonymous said...

Yuri Nal, I presume. You DeArmey boys were always wild.
Warren Peace

CuzJackie said...

Hi Jim,

Glad to see you're improving. Keep it up so you can get out of there.
Yuri is kind of cute. He can keep you company when family & friends aren't keeping tabs on you.
Love Jackie

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Jim,

I hope you are feeling well and get out of the hospital soon.

Boom shakalaka.....

Hasta la vista.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,

I just learned of your situation and was dumbfounded. You will beat this I know!

Please know that I will be reading your blog and keeping in touch. You are in my prayers and I am directing positive energy your way.

Remember the 3 Ls - Love, Laughter, and Luck. May their force be with you.
