Saturday, November 10, 2007

First night at home

It is so delightful to be home. Last night was OK. I didn't realize how handy it was to have that adjustable hospital bed. My own bed was a little difficult to deal with - at least at first. My abilities vary depending on how recently I've taken one of the pain pills. The middle of the night wasn't pretty. Luckily friends from one of my book groups gave me a gift certificate to the Sharper Image and I had bought myself a cool reclining chaise type chair from there. It is perfect for sleeping in. I spent the day puttering and talking (in brief bursts) on the phone with people - and napping.

This has been a tiring experience for everyone. Here's a photo of two of my caregivers after I got home from the hospital. I was excited to be home and they had an opportunity to relax, probably for the first time in days.


Michele said...

I am so glad to hear that you are home!!! I am sure the cat is pleased as well. We have been praying every night for you to feel well I had no doubt the surgery would go well! What can we do for you? I feel helpless up here in Pittsburgh. You seem to be surrounded by friends and family which is a wonderful thing. Take care and don't try to do too much too soon. I will look forward to the next update on your condition.
The Shimkos
Joe, Michele, Kathleen & Ryan

Anonymous said...

Jim - We're so excited you're home. We wanted to rush right over to see you but we'll wait until you're ready.

Mike did say he saw you walking today. Way to Go!

You're very lucky to have such a devoted family. They certainly deserved that nap!

See you in the Street!

From the other side of the forsythias;

Carol, Jim, Mike, and Danny
(and of course, Chester and Shadow!)