Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Roses from the South

I have received a lot of support during this recent surgical experience. After last year and all the drama that surrounded it, this episode seemed to be a non-event. That has been true to a degree but some things have been a little more difficult than I had expected.

Last year I received a lot of food from my friends, family, and co-workers That was great and it probably accounted for the fact that I actually gained a few pounds in the weeks after the surgery. This time I have certainly received enough food to keep me tooling along, but I have also received surprising flowers. The first to arrive were the orchids that Barry sent. The next was a vase of bellflowers and lilies that came from Audra. A beautiful miniature rose from Sue was next. And today I received a delivery of spectacular multicolored roses from Barry. As all the people who work with me can bear witness, I’m partial to vases of multicolored roses and these are beautiful in yellow, pink, and a coral orange. Barry lives in Jacksonville – far south of here. By far, my favorite Strauss waltz is Roses from the South. I played it while trimming and arranging the roses. Now when I hear it, I will always think of Barry.

I’m including photos of the flowers below, and a video/sound clip of the Roses from the South waltz. They are all so beautiful.

Here is one of the Stargazer lilies from the flowers that Audra sent.
This is the miniature rose from Sue.
Here is the vase of roses that came today from Barry.

And here is a close-up of the roses.

Finally, here's a movie clip that I made this afternoon, combining pictures of the roses with the Roses from the South waltz. The sound and video quality aren't the best but if you haven't heard the waltz before, this is a start.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad they arrived in such good condition. What serendipity. I had no idea you loved multi-colored roses so much. What a happy choice on my part. Enjoy them.

Sue said...

The roses are beautiful! I hope that the Andre R. DVD had Roses from the South on it since Strauss waltzes are his orchestra's specialty. A sensory delight right at home!