Sunday, June 1, 2008

Here we go again

Well, in the annoying medical news category, I have a hernia. To be more accurate I have two of them. Grrr. I did a lot of coughing during the first six months of last year with pneumonia and an assortment of other respiratory problems that led up to my tumor diagnosis. Not to be too blunt about it but evidently I coughed my guts out. They are the easy-to-fix kind and plans for that are in the works. Compared to last year, and compared to what others are going through now, this is an absolute non-event. Still, I was surprised to hear that I should expect to be out of work for two to three weeks. I didn't think it would take that long. All of this is scheduled to occur in mid-July. I'll be glad to get it out of the way. If this had come up last year I probably would have been emoting up a storm about it. It's interesting how your perspective can change.

Off to a new topic. Yesterday afternoon I went out into the back yard to see how some potted plants were doing. to my surprise, there was a big ol' toad sitting in one of them. He kept very still, pretending to be a rock, I suppose. I took his picture. When I went back about half an hour later he was gone. Toads are supposed to be evidence of a healthy environment. Since I don't use many lawn and garden chemicals, I guess I've earned the toad seal of approval. Here's the photo. Click on it for a larger view.

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