Monday, September 22, 2008

Birthday has come and gone

The birthday weekend was a very quiet one. That is just what I was hoping for. Last year I had a spectacular series of celebrations (see "A wonderful day" from last September.) That was a big year and the birthday came at a time when the lung surgery was looming in the near future. It was reassuring that this year there is nothing going on that would call for a big acknowledgement of the day. I had a great time, of course, with dinner with my family on Sunday and other time spent with friends. Just what I had hoped for.

I mentioned to my brother John yesterday that I am now older and chubbier than I have ever been in my life. He pointed out that it was OK to work on not getting chubbier but that getting even older was actually a good thing. A wise perspective.


Anonymous said...

On one of my birthdays I must have been stupidly bemoaning the fact that I was getting older. Our dear friend, Bernie, simply said, "Consider the alternative". Bernie has been gone for 9 years now and I have never forgotten her words. So celebrate aging gracefully and get something discounted with your AARP card!

Anonymous said...

Birthdays are like scratches on your car, after so many, another one doesn't seem to matter.

This doesn't apply to you though, a year ago the future was so uncertain, so to see you doing so well was a wonderful birthday gift for us all.