Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Only by being already at home here

It's Ash Wednesday. They really got me with those ashes this morning, too. I got the zealous lay minister. They tend to be very enthusiastic in their duties.

There is a poem by Stevie Smith with the title "God Speaks". In it, she makes a point about how people are eager to get to heaven but seem to miss the point a lot. I think it's still under copyright or I'd post it here. The last line is quotable, though, and sums it up fairly well. It is, "But he cannot come by wishing. Only by being already at home here." That seems to be a goal worth working toward.

I've made an assortment of vows for Lent. They all center about trying to be a generally better and kinder person. I won't list them all here. One simple one will prove to be the most useful, I think. I'm going to take a little time each evening to review how well I did that day. I should learn from that.

Today marks three months since I had my surgery. It seems so much longer ago than that.

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