Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pulmonology follow-up

I had a follow-up appointment with the pulmonologist today. It was a fairly simple visit. He talked to me and listened to my lungs. No other fancy tests this time. The news was good. All seems to be going as well as possible. He will want to see me again in midsummer after I've had my second follow-up appointment with the surgeon. That one will feature a CT scan and the pulmonologist is interested in seeing those results. Evidently my insides are still healing up and shifting around a bit so it wouldn't help to do that test any sooner. Things should be nearly settled by midsummer. I sure hope so.

He told me things that I had heard from him and others before - that it was a typical carcinoid tumor and that it isn't likely to recur or spread. Still, they'll be watching for that just in case. They'll also be monitoring my lung function to see how I'm doing. At my next appointment with him I'll have a pulmonary function test to see how I'm doing in comparison to the one I had before surgery.

Another bright note is that I was eight pounds lighter than I was when I saw him last. I'm supposed to continue to exercise and work to lose weight. I celebrated this news on the way to work by stopping for a sausage biscuit and hash browns. This was a bad plan but I'm back on the straight and narrow now.

As of today I'm calling myself done with the most dramatic part of this whole drama. Now I'm in the maintenance phase and I'm glad to be there!

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