Saturday, September 8, 2007

Chest CT scan video

This is probaby in bad taste but I'm doing it anyway. I had the CD with images of my CT scan and I was curious if I could make them into some sort of animation. I did that this afternoon. I was just going to post an animated image but then it would be playing whenever people loaded this page. Some people might prefer not to see that so the video link seems better. Still, I had never seen one of these and I thought it was interesting.

Anyway. Here's one of the three views of the chest CT scan I had at the end of July. It shows views going from my sternum down through my backbone and my flabby, I mean well-muscled, back.

At this quality it doesn't show any evidence of the tumor. Still, I thought it might be interesting to some. Click the play button if you'd like to view it. Or skip it if you aren't intrested in this level or type of info.!


Sue said...

I actually think scans are fascinating. I have had a few (abdominal) and I thought they looked like weird moon craters or some type of alien life forms. It takes a smart doctor to be able to read them! If they don't ask to see the film, just the report, it's probably because they can't read them.

Sue said...

Sorry. I was referring to myself, not Pooh! Also i could actually tell when your vertebrae showed up.