Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I took a walk down to the river this morning . It was nearly 60 degrees when I got up. It was very beautiful and quiet. When I got back, a big flock of geese flew high overhead. I remember that from autumn and spring when I was little. Whenever the geese would fly by we would all stop what we were doing and watch and listen to them as they passed. I noticed that the snowdrops are blooming in the yard this morning, too. Spring must be on the way. I'm ready for that.

We're expecting heavy rain this afternoon and evening. I got ready for that by clearing out the gutter along the back porch roof. It always clogs with pine needles and then overflows when it rains.

I made a follow-up appointment with the surgeon yesterday. I was supposed to have done that in February but I let it slip with all else that was going on. That will happen on March 14. I'm interested to hear what he'll have to say. I'm going to ask about the soreness I have after I do anything that's a bit strenuous. It's probably to be expected.

Off to get ready for the day....

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