Monday, December 24, 2007

A Treasured item

It's hard to believe that it's Christmas Eve already. These days are flying by. Pat and Barry are here for Christmas and Pat and I have been working along in the kitchen all day getting ready for meals this evening and tomorrow.

I'm including a photo of one of my most treasured possessions. These are the measuring spoons that came from my mother's house. As far back as I can remember, the food preparation for every holiday, celebration, or family gathering involved these spoons. It's funny to think of them as one of the great constants in my life but they are, in their way, a witness to most of the landmarks on my journey so far. It cheers me up every time I see them in the kitchen drawer.

It helps that they're probably the most useful measuring spoons ever made. They have nice long handles and rectangular bowls that make it easier to reach into small boxes and bottles of ingredients. They're not available any more but they turn up on eBay every now and then.

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