Sunday, December 16, 2007

Looming holidays

All is continuing to go well but I am learning that it's not ideal to be coming out of surgery recovery right into the holidays. There is so much to do and not a lot of energy to do it with. I'm pretty much spending all my energy just trying to keep up. It is annoying to get tired so quickly. I know that's to be expected but it's still a challenge.

I had a busy day yesterday and today my side hurts. That's typical. It's not nearly as bad as it had been in the past but it still holds me back a bit.

I'm spending the day baking. I have some cookie plate gifts that I want to finish today so that I can deliver them. Once I get that done, I can clean up the house. The place looks like a tornado blew through it. I'll feel better when that has been accomplished.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,

Check this out! I think you will like it.

JimD said...

Pretty cool. Thanks a lot. I wonder how far in advance they can make that stuff. It seems like it would be A real challenge to get everything to be ready at the same time!