Monday, August 27, 2007

PET Scan Results

My PET scan results came back with no other evident locations of tumors. That's good news. It also showed low activity in the location that we do know about. That's good news, too, since it appears that this thing isn't growing at some huge pace. So, good news today. I may still have to go for the octreotide scan but that recommendation will be left for the surgeon to make. No matter what these test might show about other locations (which are unlikely to be there) the surgery will need to move ahead.

I have spoken with a friend of mine at Johns Hopkins hospital who is going to check with some colleagues of his. He'll give me an opinion on how I should proceed with the surgery. I'm hoping to hold onto as much lung as I can while still getting completely rid of this thing. I'm very fortunate to have someone that I can appeal to for help and expertise with this. It's good to be able to be involved in the surgery/surgeon choice but it's also scary. And I thought that buying a car was a difficult decision.


Anonymous said...

You are right/this is rare/few docs or people are knowledgeable and that makes decisions scary.
Consider getting thee to an expert on carcinoid --
please read info at
you need this info!
also see Yahoo group Lungnoids for shared info and support.

Nyrahs said...

Shall I send the top back to you so you can play? Hopkins is the best. When Larry had the top lobe of his lung removed 2 years ago he saw Dr. Malcolm Brock. If you can, go see him. His oncologist now is Rosalyn Juergens and she's great also. I'm praying for you bud! Just make sure you make it to the next book club!!