Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A minor (very minor) landmark

Today I mowed the lawn for the first time this season. I was a little curious about how that was going to go since I hadn't had to pull the start cord on the mower since late last summer - long before I had the surgery. It was a non-event. The mower started up more easily this year than it has for a long time. I didn't seem to have any ill effect from the incision on my back. That surprised me - and in a positive way. I did get a bit more winded than I had in the past. My lawn is very small so it really shouldn't present any problem. I suspect that the breathlessness wasn't an indication of illness but a symptom of me sitting around all winter and eating.

Mowing the lawn seems like not much of a chore now. In the late evening light under the spruce trees, it was really very beautiful. The cherry tree was dropping petals on the back yard, the muscari and the daffodils were in bloom and the few puny hyacinths I have were heavy with perfume. I was grateful for the experience. I'll probably be singing a different tune in August, of course, but today was delightful.

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