Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Autumn arrives

It was in the low 50s when I got up this morning. Yesterday you could tell that autumn had arrived. It was cooler than it had been for a long time and the light was different, particularly early in the morning and evening. Walking today the air was very crisp and clear. The moon had set by the time I started and I saw the constellation Orion for the first time since last winter. Orion is one of the few constellations that I can recognize and I always associate it with the autumn and winter seasons.

There were many deer out this morning. That could be due to the cooler weather or the fact that the moon had set and it was still very dark. I came upon eight of them in sets of one or two. One of them was standing next to the sidewalk as I went by and was very unimpressed by me. She just watched me mosey by. That was a memorable moment.

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