Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In the mail

Like everyone else, the first thing I do when I get home is to check the mail. Usually it's full of assorted junk mail and advertisements for assorted things. Yesterday I didn't have any of that, just two handwritten notes. I don't think I have ever had that happen before.

The first note was from Rick, thanking me for things I did to help during and after Barry's illness. It was beautifully written and he said some of the kindest and most helpful things. I will hold onto it for a long time. The second was from my nephew Joe to thank me for a graduation present. I kid my nephews that I'm only being nice to them so they'll feel obligated to take care of me when I'm old. Joe told me that he'd be the first to take care of me when I'm old and decrepit in the home. That was both funny and reassuring. After this past year and a half, decrepit seems to be coming on sooner than I had anticipated!

What a wonderful moment to come home to find two kind and thoughtful messages. It made me feel as if I just might be getting things right some of the time.


Anonymous said...

A note from a friend or relative is definitely a bright spot in one's day. I, for one, think that you "get things right" more than just some of the time. I am glad that people who are close to you realize it, appreciate it, and let you know it. Thumbs up to the dying art of sending handwritten notes! Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Years ago I visited Eleanor Roosevelt's home. It made a big impression on me that she spent every evening at her desk sending one, if not several, handwritten notes. Many notes were to people she had not even met! You reminded me that especially in this information age, notes have the ability to surprise and encourage. I am a terrible procrastinator who has lovely notecards and paper, thinks about writing, and fails to do so. I am hoping to improve in this! Then my cherished people will KNOW that they are cherished.