Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The heron and the crow

In several posts on this blog I've mentioned times when I had seen a heron down along the river. During the time that I was really sick, seeing a heron at the river has always seemed a good omen to me. I always seemed to spot one at times when I had been at a low point and things were beginning to look up. I'm not all that superstitious but seeing a heron really does seem to go hand in hand with good news for me.

Lately I've been having to deal with an assortment of challenges - mostly at work. They are reasonably important but have been made more difficult than they really need to be due to various surrounding circumstances. I'm not sure how to proceed with some of them and was thinking about that on my walk back from the river this morning. When I was near my house I heard a loud, raspy call and looked up to see a heron flying overhead. It was being followed and pestered by a crow. They sailed along over the trees squawking and cawing in turn. That image has been stuck in my head all day. I knew how the heron felt.

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