Saturday, February 13, 2010

I have fallen out of the habit of posting here. Recently I read back over some past entries and I was glad to have the record that they provided. I will try to get back to the routine of posting regularly.

In the last week we have had two blizzards. The first left about 30" of snow. The second was only 8-12". More is predicted in a few days. The snow amounts have broken records and I'm glad that I was here to see it. Everyone is tired of snow now, of course, and we still have plenty of winter to go. In the past, it usually warmed up here after a big snow so that it didn't hang around for long. That hasn't been the case here. It was cold, is cold, and is predicted to stay cold. The snow is not going away. I slogged up the low hill behind my house today and saw that there is quite a load of snow on the roof. My roof pitch is not steep. There have been some roof collapses in the area and I don't want my house to be one of them. If I can, I'm going to clear some of the snow off the roof before the next wave comes. Here are a few photos:

A view from my back porch. The snow is so deep that it's difficult to wade through it.

The front of my house after the driveway was cleared.

The light under the spruce tree in the front of the house.

Tracks left by birds in the light snow that drifted onto my back porch.
I leave seed out for them every morning.

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